Connect with your friends with an iPhone App KipCall

A new app has arrived in the App Store with the help of which you will be able to call your facebook friends directly via this app. This one is known as KipCall. Creators of KipCall must be thinking that Facebook chat is just made for the beginners. Well for the time-being this KipCall will be useful only for the ones staying in US. While using KipCall you don’t need remember your friend’s number. If you friend has registered on Facebook and KipCall you are all set for dialing in and talking without any efforts.

Now you must have a question that any of your unwanted friends can also call you at any time but no – there are privacy features also. The privacy settings allow you to block people, whom you don’t want them to call you. There’s also a built in GPS receiver with the help of which you can locate your friends who are near to you or which shop is just next to you where you can hang around with your friends.

There’s also an option to filter your friends list by gender, relationship status and age which also makes KipCall an online dating tool. These are exactly the things which Facebook lacks currently. Hey Facebook Developers don't you think we also need these things also.
By reading this much if you think that you can grab this up, straight from the App Store.