The first Android Mall to arrive soon.

Seavus Group thinks that’s outrageous though they have a few app stores, markets and catalogs out there, but not a single mall. So they decided to do something about it. Mall, their upcoming service, is said to be the first Android mall, offering users not just apps, but also other content like eBooks, audio books, music and more. We could think of it as Ovi Store on steroids, but we won’t – Nokia has its own dedicated music store and I guess that’s the fact they call it Ovi Store and not Ovi Mall.

By my words till now you would say what I am up to. It’s not important whether it’s called store, catalog, market or mall- what’s important is the content user can get from the service. And that’s where thinks they have a chance as well. Instead of putting every single app in their virtual shelves, they want to be picky – offering just the quality content. According to Seavus’ CEO Igor Lestar, their focus is “on quality rather than quantity.”

More to it, Mall will offer a more generous cut to developers – instead of the industry standard 70/30 ratio, they’re going for the 80/20 model, giving developers more than any other store.

This new Android mall is set to launch soon, boasting more than 7.000 apps and 37.000 e-books. We’ll see how and whether they can compete with other players…