Well Guys, today, a few hours ago we got the news that Google Nexus One is going to get the updated version of the Android Gingerbread i.e Android 2.3.4 in a few days. You will miss out Video chat and Voice services of Google Talk even after this update! Well no surprise for this as secondary camera is absent in Nexus One, this will not affect much. But still it’s disappointing.
Well you need to wait a few more days to show off your phone to your friends that you have got the latest Android 2.3.4 in your phone. Well, we don’t think so. You can do this right now, if you are too impatient about this.
For installing Android 2.3.4 on your Nexus One follow the steps.
- Download the update from HERE
- Rename the file to update.zip. Note that if you're using Windows, just rename it to "update" (no quotes, of course) because it's already a zipped file.
- Copy the update.zip file onto your microSD card.
- With your Nexus One off, hold down the trackball and press the power button.
- You'll be booted into a white screen with three Android robots on skateboards. Select "Bootloader."
- On the next screen, select "Recovery."
- Your phone will reboot, giving you a picture of the Android robot and an exclamation point inside a triangle.
- Now press the power button and volume up button at the same time. It could take a couple of tries.
- Now (using the trackball this time) choose "Apply sdcard:update.zip" and let things run their course.
Via Android Central
Source: Android 2.3.4 GRJ22