Dev Tools out and Miso comes in for Windows Phone 7

The social network app for TV and movie watchers, Miso has now arrived for the Windows Phone 7. This happened because of the developer tools which were launched recently. With Miso, you can watch shows and you can share with your Friends on Facebook and Twitter what you are watching. You can also find and follow friends on Miso who has got similar kind of favorites. You can expect the badges (as in official iPhone and Android apps) to arrive in the next version of the app for this platform. You will be able to earn badges for extra check-ins and after the next update you will also start receiving push notifications. By the Way the Push notification feature has showed off in the iPhone app after the recent update.

Talking about the competitors of Miso, Philo tops the list. But Miso is step ahead by Philo as with Miso you can check and give rating to individual episodes. It also lets you to post Facebook-style links. These third parties will be out of sight as connected TVs have social apps built right into them, but that’s still another thing. No one has seen the future. It might happen that app developers will be able to partner with the television manufacturers to create a rich experience with an established community.

Miso App Developer for Windows 7