Android 2.3.4 coming up Soon! Already Up for Nexus S and Nexus One

Just Now Google has announced that you will be able to update your Gingerbread from 2.3.3 to 2.3.4 after a few days. Samsung Google Nexus S and Nexus One will be the devices which will get this update first. Rest of the Devices are behind them in the line. This update will allow you to use video Chat on Google Talk and some bugs have also been fixed in this update.

Now you will be able to chat with your friends and family via voice or video using a Nexus S which is updated to Android 2.3.4. This feature is also compatible with the 3.0 the Honeycomb tablets and Computers with Webcams. Now you call using 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi connectivity. SO now u’ve got plenty of options while using Google Talk.

Android 2.3.4 solves the sudden shutting down and rebooting of some Nexus S units, the issue with the WiFi & 3G icons being shown as active on the same Nexus S and the battery life problems with the Nexus One. These are the major Bug Fixes. Accuracy while Navigating is also improved as well as the GPS locating.