Tap Fish arrives to Android after 10 million downloads in iOS

Tap Fish, the game which is downloaded 10 million times so far, for the iOS platform has also arrived for the Android Guys. This is a good move by Gameview Studios, the creator of Tap Fish as its expected that it will surpass the amount of iOS users when compared to Android.

The guys, who haven’t played this game, should know that Tap Fish will give you an aquarium like environment in which you will get to see various species of fishes. You need to feed your fishes. Clean their tanks and take care of them. Once they are grown up sell them and buy other species. 

When it comes to species game has got hundreds of types of fishes. Some fishes are of exotic marine life too like Sharks, whales and sting rays.
There are not just varieties in fishes available in the game. There are also 80 different types of tanks, with dozens of backgrounds and some good amount of decorative things too, which will keep you stuck in this game.

According to stats we have, a Tap Fish user logs in 3 times in a day to observe his/her fishes on aquariums. So you can imagine that this game is so much addictive. Users have visited over 1 Million of their neighbor’s tanks. Want to join this fun, it’s all set to come in your Android Device. It's free for all.