Google Reader for Windows Phone 7 - RSSToGo

RSSToGo is a full-featured Google reader for your Windows 7 Phone. It is a perfect sync and it displays all your stories in a clean interface.

With the Help of RSSToGo you can read all your stories anywhere anytime. Internet connection is not required. You don’t need to go online each time when you want to read the complete story. Tracking and sharing your favorite stories is easy with RSSToGo.

You can do each and everything with your article with the help of RSSToGo. Star them, mark them as Read/Unread. These all actions will be shown in your Google Reader Account.

For viewing your articles without the internet connection, you need to sync them to RSSToGo and then you can read them anytime you want.

You can search for the keywords; you can manage your feeds. You can create, rename or delete the folders or feeds. Managing Account has become simpler with RSSToGo.

You can easily share your feeds via Email, Google Reader or Twitter. You can also save them to ReaditLater or instantPaper.

We would say RSSToGo is the best option so far for reading your stories/articles on Windows 7 Mobile. This gives you all sorts of ease while reading. So grab this for your phone.